Info-Night 3rd Country Nationals
Did you flee the war in Ukraine but you are not a ukrainian citizen?
Do you have questions regarding your stay in Austria, the continuation of your studies or on how to apply for asylum in Austria?
Asyl in Not offers legal counsel regarding the Austrian asylum procedere and residency. All our services are for free. We do not cooperate with any authorities and are financed solely by donations.
Come find us on friday, May 6th at Mama’s African Grill-Bar, Steudelgasse 25 in 1100 Vienna.
We will provide food and information.
** Infoveranstaltung für nicht-ukrainische Staatsbürger:innen, die aus der Ukraine fliehen mussten **
Unterstütze unsere Arbeit und die Infoveranstaltung durch Spenden an:
Asyl in Not AT14 2011 1841 8594 1400 oder paypal.me/asylinnot